Cannabis Times Radio Show – May 24th

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Cannabis Times Radio is back this week with our co-hosts Judd Hardy and Tim Spark. Take a nationwide look at the Cannabis reform movement with our bi-coastal hosts.  Many different opinions on this show tonight so tune in and let us know what you think!

Mark Higgins is a 38 year old MMJ patient since October of 2008 and the father of three daughters.  Mark was a volunteer firefighter when he fell off the water truck and ruptured three discs in his lower back.  Mark was forced to switch careers and began selling insurance.  Two months after starting, he won a world class fishing trip to British Columbia.  While on the trip, the water was so rough that Mark ruptured another disc while on vacation.  A bosun saw him in pain and offered him his first medical marijuana cigarette.  He snuck off to his room to enjoy it and 10 minutes later Mark was walking fine with greatly diminished pain.  As soon as Mark returned home from Montana, he asked his personal doctor to recommend this newly found medicine for his pain. Although he was denied he was provided with a second opinion and was approved for medical marijuana.  As a new patient Mark began telling everyone about his positive experience with Cannabis.  He eventually became a caregiver through the system and started looking for a place to meet with his patients since his newly found success as a caregiver was expanding quickly.  He approached a landlord about some retail space and at the end of his conversation he informed Mark he was a city council member and would find out the rules on this.  He decided to attend a city council meeting and introduce himself to them and talk about what he had planned for his store.  No one asked him any questions.  This made Mark angry so he vented on the newspaper reporter standing next to him.  The reporter informed him that there was an open seat for the City Council and recommended that he should run.  He immediately headed to file for office.  He ended up not winning but he did garner almost 12% of the votes with no advertising except what the newly found 15 minutes of fame gave him.  As it turned out the fifteen minutes has turned him into a local celebrity as the local media had him on their stations almost weekly.  He has educated the city of 100,000 people in Billing, the residents of North Wyoming, and N. Dakota.  He was able to get Montana’s local #1 radio group to allow him to advertise on their stations for doctor clinics.  He was featured in the documentary Cannabusiness, written about in Cannabis Now Magazine, Interviewed for Stop the Drug War and numerous other front page newspaper stories in Montana.  He also an ambassador for ASAAmericans For Safe Access in Montana.  He was also the only chosen caregiver to be on the city council’s adhoc committee on medical marijuana in Billings.  He opened his store in Billings called Montannabis Inc.  He was the first store to sell cannabis legally in Billings.  The store provided in house doctors office, dispensary, growing classes, intro to Cannabis classes with a complete attached Indoor grow.  They were the first to offer paid Tours of their facility for the general public to view and educate.  Unfortunately after Mark’s much hard work, he is forced to close his doors.  Mark Higgins is currently involved in rallying through the Montana Cannabis Industry Association to prevent SB423 from full implementation.  To help Montana fight for the rights of patients to choose their own medicine, visit Donate TODAY and help support Montana in their fight!

Dragonfly de la Luz reports from Bali – a world traveling ganja critic and self styled “chronnoisseur.”  She travels to exotic countries with relaxed Cannabis laws and writes about the myriad of pot scenes and counter cultures she encounters, sharing her findings in popular cannabis magazines.  Her articles appear in Cannabis Culture, West Coast Cannabis, Kush, Skunk, Los Angeles Journal for the Education of Medical Marijuana, and the Journal for the Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, and she is the global correspondent for TV’s Cannabis Planet news show.   Dragonfly describes herself as a passionate activist and has been outspoken in support of the liberation of Cannabis and hemp for all.  Championing the cause of the small-time, mom-and-pop farmers on whose shoulders that Cannabis industry has been built on, she has actively campaigned against the corporatization of Cannabis.  Check her out HERE !

Go “Beyond Sativa and Indica” with Matthew Cote, co-creator of the IStrainGuide for his thoughts regarding the issues surrounding the federal government and provides his feedback on Dragonfly de la Luz’s recent article she discusses earlier in the show.   Matt also gives us his weekly strain updates along with an activist update from San Francisco.  Matt will be heading to the SF ASA meeting after the show to discuss various issues that are in immediate need of support in this country.  For further information on what was discusssed tonight as well as information regarding future meetings, visit .


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