All posts in Tennessee

September 27, 2012, No comments

We know that, illegal or not, we have a significant portion of our audience indulges in weed now and then. We’re not here to cast stones. But legal medical marijuana …


Welcome to the Twelve Visions Party

April 25, 2012, No comments

Listen to internet radio with Cannabis Times Mag on Blog Talk Radio Why We Need a New Political Party By Mark HamiltonFounder of the Twelve Visions Pa ...


Cops Target Pot Smokers, Brush Off Victims Of Violent Crime

November 26, 2011, No comments

 Radley Balko CHICAGO — As Jessica Shaver and I chat at a coffee shop in Chicago’s north-side Andersonvil ...


One Drug Arrest Every 19 Seconds In The U.S.

September 23, 2011, No comments

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A new FBI report released today shows that there is a drug arrest every 19 seconds in the U.S. A group of police and judges w ...

  • CTN - 5.19.11 - Hemp
    Hemp For Victory in the 21st Century
    May 20, 2011, No comments

    This past week, hemp advocates and aficionados nationwide engaged in educational and awareness building exercises during their annual “Hemp History Week”. The aim was to enlighten the public’s perception of ...

  • CTM - Article - Kevin 4.1.11
    Legalization: Still A Good Idea
    April 2, 2011, No comments

    More than twenty years ago drug-reform advocate Todd Austin Brenner wrote that “complete legalization of marijuana…would be the real test.”  He further went on to argue that “drugs causing permanent ...

  • Image via erissiva photostream - - courtesy of Creative Commons License
    TSA agent busted
    March 2, 2011, No comments

    Written by Philip Messing Apparently, they are not screening the screeners. In the latest black eye for the troubled Transportation Security Administration, a supervisor was busted for helping a marijuana ...

  • Image via erissiva photostream - - courtesy of Creative Commons License
    Theodora Richards
    March 2, 2011, No comments

    Theodora Richards Arrested For Marijuana Possession & Graffiti: Report Theodora Richards, daughter of rocker Keith Richards and Patti Hansen was arrested in New York on Tuesday night for “making graffiti, ...