Cannabis Times Radio Show – June 7th, 2011

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Cannabis Times Radio is back this week with LA based co-host Judd Hardy and NYC based co-host Tim Spark. Tune in for our weekly bi-coastal view on the Cannabis reform movement.

Professor Lee, joins us tonight from Texas to discuss his new book, Marijuana 101.  Unlike the vast majority of other grow books, Marijuana 101 reads like an informal study guide for an “Introduction to Growing” course run by a professor who had a successful grow for a decade. Professor Lee involves his readers and helps them over each potential stumbling block, with constant reference to his own experience, giving the book the personal touch similar guides lack. Lee discusses what to think about before even choosing to grow, how to keep it secret, and how to keep it cheap. He also covers what to buy and where, how to make sense of the myriad of equipment, and the merits of different grow techniques. Also covered is the role of financial services, banks, checking accounts, cash and Legal Payment Processing for the Marijuana Industry. There’s even basic bud history and theory, including how to identify strains and understand the fundamental needs of the precious plants. The benefits of hydroponics, the pros and cons of different soils, and how to breed individual strains are all discussed, but the focus is always the same — ending up with a successful indoor grow.  Purchase a copy of Marijuana 101 today!

Tim and Judd also welcome Ricardo Cortes, writer and illustrator from Brooklyn, NY.  His first book was It’s Just A Plant – a children’s story about marijuana.  Ricardo is currently working on a Jury Independence Project which he shares with us today.  Hear his views regarding the Jury Nullification process and how we can make a difference.  Check out more of Ricardo Cortes at


Adam Scavone of the New York Cannabis Alliance has been fighting back against the war on marijuana users in New York since around 1998, when he first got involved as an activist with the campaign to repeal the abominable Rockerfeller Drug Laws.  Since then, the helped lead Students for Sensible Drug Policy at Columbia University while pursuing a masters degree in public health, and in 2010 joined with three others to establish New York Patients First in order to push New York’s proposed medical marijuana law through the recalcitrant New York State Senate.  He is currently one of the four directors of the New York Cannabis Alliance, which was created to drastically reform New York’s marijuana policies, to continue to push for medical marijuana patient protections, and to end the assault on marijuana users across the state and in particular in New York City, where 50,000 marijuana users are arrested every year to satisfy Mayor Bloomberg’s apparent incarceration fetish.  Check out the New York Cannabis Alliance on Facebook !

Kevin Rooks is also welcomed to the show tonight.  Kevin Rooks is a medical marijuana patient who suffered a major injury when he was 16 years old which left him paralyzed on the right side of his body.  Today he is 50 years old and is in very good health.  He contributes his state to Cannabis and how it lead him to healing through spirituality.

Matthew Cote, co-creator of IStrainGuide is back this week with “Beyond Sativa and Indica.”  Tonight, Matthew will focus is the role of cannabinoids in the body.  He’ll explore the endo-cannabinoid system, hoping to illuminate the relationship the body has with these compounds. Matthew will take us back in time to the origination of the endo-cannabinoid system, to shed light on this ancient and essential component of our bodies



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