Cannabis Times Radio Show – August 17th, 2011

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Cannabis Times Radio is back this week with our weekly bi-coastal look at the Cannabis reform movement with Tim Spark and Judd Hardy!  LA based co-host Judd Hardy is missed tonight but stay tuned for a show packed full of knowledge as Tim Spark co-hosts from NYC the marijuana arrest capital of the world.

Morgan Fox, Communications Manager for the Marijuana Policy Project is welcomed to the show tonight.  MPP and MPP foundation envision a nation where marijuana is legally regulated similarly to alcohol, marijuana education is honest and realistic, and treatment for problem marijuana users is non-coercive and geared toward reducing harm.  Hear Morgan discuss his views on unity within the marijuana reform movement and the current status of HR 2306.  Visit MPP today and help them increase public support for non-punitive, non-coercive marijuana policies, change state laws to reduce or eliminate penalties for the medical and non-medical use or marijuana and gain influence in Congress.


George Grimes President of 420 College is welcomed to the show tonight.  420 college is a cannabis and medical marijuana vocational and business training school with the goal of helping Americans thrive in the medical marijuana industry.  420 College’s mission is to help our economy grow legally by bringing both growing companies and career minded individuals together.  Check out their classes by visiting 420 College today!

Evan Nison is also welcomed to our show tonight.  Evan is a Director of the NY Cannabis Alliance , Sensible NJ, and is President of Ithaca College’s chapter of SSDP.  Last year, he served as the Statewide Campus Organizer and Deputy Field Director for California’s Prop 19 campaign to Tax and Regulate Cannabis.  Evan was also High Times’s Freedom Fighter of the Month in April 2011 and was given NORML’s 2011 Student Activism Award.  Hear Evan discuss the recent NJ decrim bill A4252 ,  NY bi partisan proposal S.5187 – Grisanti/A.7620 – Jeffries as well as his recent 911 Good Samaritan victory.  Evan also shares the unique approach he is taking toward marijuana reform in NYS and what he foresees for NYS Cannabis reform in the upcoming years.  Visit the NY Cannabis Alliance on Facebook or Twitter today!!



Matthew Cote, co-creator of IStrainGuide and Executive Editor of Cannabis Times Magazine is missed tonight as he heads to Seattle Hemp Fest this weekend.  Stay tuned next week for his weekly “Beyond Sativa and Indica” segment.

If you enjoyed tonight’s episode, listen to past episodes at Cannabis Times Radio, Blog Talk Radio, Podbean or the NORML Radio Network.

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