Jack Cole knows about the war on drugs from several perspectives. He retired as a detective lieutenant after a 26-year career with the New Jersey state police. For twelve of those years Jack worked as an undercover narcotics officer. His investigations spanned the spectrum of possible cases, from street drug users and mid-level drug dealers in New Jersey to international “billion-dollar” drug trafficking organizations. Jack ended his undercover career living nearly two years in Boston and New York City, posing as a fugitive drug dealer wanted for murder, while tracking members of a terrorist organization that robbed banks, planted bombs in corporate headquarters, court-houses, police stations, and airplanes and ultimately murdered a New Jersey state trooper.

After retiring, Jack dealt with the emotional residue left from his participation in the unjust war on drugs by working to reform current drug policy. He moved to Boston to continue his education. He holds a B.A. in criminal justice and a Masters degree in public policy. Currently writing his dissertation for the public policy Ph.D. program at the University of Massachusetts, Jack’s major focus is on the issues of race and gender bias, brutality and corruption in law enforcement. He believes ending drug prohibition will go a long way toward correcting those problems.

Jack is the Executive Director of the advocacy organization, Law Enforcement Against Prohibition. LEAP is made up of current and former members of the law enforcement and criminal justice communities who are speaking out about the failures of our existing drug policies.

A national and international speaker, Jack has taught courses to police recruits and veteran officers on ethics, integrity, moral decision-making, and the detrimental effects of racial profiling. He has spoken about drug policy: in colleges and universities; on many radio programs; and at conferences across the United States; and he has addressed the European Parliament, in Brussels, Belgium, on the subject of US drug policy. His discussions give his audience an alternative perspective of the US war on drugs from the view of a veteran drug-warrior turned against the war. To inquire about his speaking engagements, people can reach him at (781) 393-6985 or jack.cole (at) leap.cc.

Jack is passionate in his belief that the drug war is steeped in racism. He believes that it is needlessly destroying the lives of young people, and that it is corrupting our police.

We’re honored that Jack blogs with us at Everyday Citizen!

Please ask your family, friends, and associates who want to be involved creating positive change around the entire world, to go to www.CopsSayLegalizeDrugs.com and join us now. Membership is open to anyone. The more members we get the sooner we will end this self-perpetuating and ever-expanding disastrous policy of a war on drugs.

With your support we can end the agonies created by the war on drugs and renew respect for the honorable profession of policing, which has been severely weakened by the role police have been required to play in enforcing drug prohibition laws.

Together we will make a better and safer society by serving it in a more efficient and ethical manner.

With your support we can end the agonies created by the war on drugs and renew respect for the honorable profession of policing, which has been severely weakened by the role police have been required to play in enforcing drug prohibition laws.

Together we will make a better and safer society by serving it in a more efficient and ethical manner.


Jack A. Cole-
Co-Founder and Board Chair

Law Enforcement Against Prohibition

121 Mystic Avenue, Medford, MA 02155

(781) 393-6985 LEAP Office  

Cannabis Times Radio weekly radio show Wed. evenings @7:30 pacific time

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