Each week we have guest discussing a variety of topics surrounding Medical Marijuana and how it relates to today’s growing movement to legalize adult marijuana usage in the United States.

Featured Guests This Week:

Kamy Akhavan-President, ProCon.org Speaks on the states looking at legalization of Cannabis. Here Kamy have a powerful conversation with Chris and Ron Tonight

Kambiz “Kamy” Akhavan has served as Managing Editor of ProCon.org since December 7, 2004 and as President of ProCon.org since Dec. 7, 2010. Kamy has over 15 years of experience in making serious educational content entertaining, accessible, and affordable. His work has been published in textbooks, magazines, newspapers, and websites across the US.  He has been interviewed by Reuters, several TV stations, and radio affiliates of Fox News, NPR, CNN, and CBS.  Kamy was born in Iran, grew up in southern Louisiana, and has lived in California for over 20 years. He holds a BA and MA in History from UCLA. He loves music, politics, surfing, running, his wife, his son, and ProCon.org.

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